

Work study is one type of financial aid for which you may qualify. 勤工俭学不是 直接申请到你的学费账户. 相反,你在一份工作中工作,并得到一份 每月两次薪水. 勤工俭学的职位可以在校内也可以在校外. 这些工作是 designed to have a flexible 时间表 that 工作s around your classes. 

所有的工作学习空缺都是兼职职位. 最多的时间和金钱 a student can earn is determined 根据财政需要和可用资金. 我们努力 为学生匹配与他们职业道路相关的工作. 




Submit a 勤工俭学查询表格 to see if you are eligible for funding.


If you are eligible 工作学习 funds, once you have submitted the inquiry, the 工作研究 Coordinator will send you an updated award letter with your potential 工作 研究基金. 你 can then apply directly to the hiring supervisor (their contact information is in the job descriptions) for the department you wish to be considered for 和 let 他们知道你有勤工俭学的资金. 你有30天的时间,从那天起 funds are entered into your award screen to obtain a 工作 study position or the funds 将被删除,您将需要再次询问资金.

请注意: When completing your annual FAFSA or WASFA application, indicate that you are interested 在工作学习的机会. 

View job openings 和 contact the hiring supervisor for the position(s) you wish to 申请.


需要帮助准备简历或练习面试? 电子邮件 careerservices@onesourcehomeinspection.com 安排时间复习你的材料.

  1. Once interviewed, the supervisor will indicate if they feel you are a good fit.
  2. Then, the supervisor will reach out to the 工作研究 Coordinator 和 she will send 你需要完成雇佣包.
  3. 申请的过程也将涉及 a background check 和 ensuring you have the appropriate I-9 documents. 

需要帮助完成您的申请? 电子邮件 careerservices@onesourcehomeinspection.com 安排一个时间来复习.

一旦你的申请和材料提交, it may take up to 2 weeks before your position is finalized 和 you are able to begin 工作. 你 may not 工作 without an all-clear email from HR with your CTCLink Employee information.




简短的回答是: Work study is a type of financial aid available to eligible students. 勤工俭学学生 做兼职,拿薪水. 勤工俭学的工资不需要偿还.

长话短说:  勤工助学 programs provide part-time employment to eligible students with either 校内或校外雇主. 学生可以赚取的最高金额是确定的 根据财政需要和可用资金. 学生每周最多可以工作19个小时 学校正在上课. 所有的努力都是为了让学生们从事与…相关的工作 他们的培训. 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College participates in both the federal 和 state 勤工俭学.

The federal 工作-study 和 Washington state-sponsored 勤工俭学 are need-based financial aid programs that give students the opportunity to 工作 part time while 去上学. Under either program, the employer pays only 30-60 percent of the student's wages; the rest is subsidized by federal or state funds. 勤工助学学生 can therefore find jobs 和 may be able to keep their loan debt down by earning part 他们的援助资格,而不是接受额外贷款.

是的. To 申请 工作-study assistance, students indicate on their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that they are interested in 工作-study. 这是推荐的 that students apply before March 15th each year to ensure availability of funds. 符合条件的 学生可以申请挂出的勤工俭学职位. 了解更多有关应用程序的信息 申请财政援助 WVC资助办公室网页.

学生 must re申请 all financial aid programs, including 工作研究, each year 通过填写FAFSA.

I-9 documents verify the identity 和 employment authorization of individuals hired 在美国就业. 欲知详情,请浏览 U.S. 公民及入境事务处.

If you get a 工作研究 job, you may 工作 a maximum of 19 小时 per week during the 上课时间. 工作期间将列在你的工作学习表上 奖励证明表格.

After you have been hired, you should arrange your 工作 时间表 with your employer. During the school year, the number of 小时 you 工作 each week depends on your hourly 工资率和奖金金额.


  • 奖励金额($)÷周数=周薪($)
  • Weekly pay ($) ÷ pay rate = number of 小时 you may 工作 per week*

*The figure used for the “# of weeks” depends on whether you plan to 工作 during final exam week or whether there will be other times when you will not 工作.

你r award is divided equally over your quarters of enrollment, but if you earn only part of your 工作研究 during a quarter, you may earn the remainder in the following quarter(s) as long as you are still awarded 和 continue to be eligible.

请注意: 你 may 工作 more (maximum of 40 小时 per week) during quarter breaks if you 在校园里工作还是在非营利机构工作.


你的薪水如何取决于你是在校内工作还是在校外工作. 大多数情况下 在你工作的地方发工资吗. 校内员工可以选择领取工资 直接存入他们的银行帐户或选择焦点卡. 一些校外 雇主也可以提供同样的服务.


If you 工作 on-campus you are paid twice a month, the 10th 和 25th of each month. If these days fall on a weekend you are paid on either Friday or Monday. 你会 需要跟踪和提交你的工作时间,以便支付. 工作日工资表 时间表给你一个时间表的概念.

If you 工作 off-campus you are paid by your employer directly according to their payroll 时间表.


The range for on-campus pay rates is set by the Employee Relations Office. 个人 departments assign the pay rate for each job within the WVC Student Employee Compensation 的指导方针.

Off-campus pay rates are determined by the employer but must be at least equal to the entry-level rate that the employer would pay a non-工作 study employee doing similar 工作.


校园: On-campus 工作 study employment requires you to track your time in ctcLink. 你的雇主 is responsible to hire 和 enter you in the 工作day system so that it will notify 你每个发薪期提交你的工作时间. 工作日工资表给出 你对时间线有个概念. 一旦你提交了你的工作时间,主管 会在Workday中收到批准通知吗. 迟交的时间将是 处理了接下来的工资周期. 请与勤工俭学办公室联系 are an America Reads/Counts employee for specific instructions on submitting 工作 小时.

校外: Off-campus employers pay their 工作研究 students directly, according to the same 时间表 used to pay their other employees (must be at least once each month). 你 当你被录用的时候,应该了解一下这个时间表是什么吗. 在你得到报酬之后 off-campus employer contacts the 工作研究 Office for reimbursement of a portion 你的工资. This reimbursement procedure requires that you sign an off-campus time sheet (pdf) verifying your 小时 和 the amount of pay you received.




Quiz below is part of the 学习方向 和 is required to begin 工作.
